The movie 'Daku Maharaj' which was released in theatres three days ago has rocked the box office. This movie of 64 year old hero 'Nandamuri Balakrishna' is overshadowing Ramcharan Teja's movie 'Game Changer'. Daku Maharaj has collected more than 50 crore rupees in 3 days. Bollywood star Bobby Deol is also making waves as the villain in the movie. Bobby Deol may have a small role in this movie but it is a blockbuster. People have also liked Bobby Deol a lot in this movie.
Daku Maharaj overpowered Game Changer?
Let us tell you that Ram Charan Teja's film Game Changer was also released on 10 January. The film has earned 106 crores in 5 days. According to the Secnilk website, Game Changer had an opening of 51 crores on the first day. After this, it earned 21 crores the next day and its collection has been decreasing day by day. So far, the film has collected 106 crores in 5 days. However, the pace of earning of this film has been much less than expected. Ram Charan Teja is a superstar of South cinema and there were great expectations from his film. This film was made on a big budget and the audience also had a lot of expectations. However, this film has not left any special impact on the box office so far.
Daku Maharaj's collection reached 50 crores
Let us tell you that 64-year-old hero 'Nandamuri Balakrishna's film Daku Maharaj has earned more than 50 crores in 3 days. Nandamuri's acting in the film is also being praised a lot. Bobby Deol is also seen playing an important role in the film. Bobby Deol is also getting a lot of praise for this role. The collection of this film has impressed people so far. Now it has to be seen whether this film is able to touch the box office figure of Game Changer or not.