Thursday night was tough for Saif Ali Khan. An unknown person entered his house with the intention of theft and attacked the actor. In this attack, Saif Ali Khan was stabbed 6 times. During this, he was seriously injured. After this, son Ibrahim took him to Lilavati Hospital, where his treatment is still going on. He underwent surgery yesterday and now he is out of danger and is recovering. Kareena and the children were also present at home when this incident happened. At present, the police is busy investigating this matter. The reaction of the family members is also coming out continuously on this incident. People of the house are also reaching to meet the actor. Now Saif Ali Khan's younger sister Saba Pataudi has also reacted and shared a special post on Instagram while praying for her brother.
Saba did a special post for her brother
Saba Pataudi has shared a special picture on her Instagram story. In this picture, Saif Ali Khan is seen holding his younger sister Saba in his lap. Both of them look very young in this black and white picture, it is from their childhood. Now Saba has also written a special caption while posting this special picture with her brother. She wrote, 'I am shocked and stunned by this shocking incident, but I am proud of you Bhaijaan. Taking care of the family and always standing up for them would make Abba very proud. I am feeling proud. Get well soon, I miss being there. Will meet you soon. I will always pray for you.'
Who is Saba Pataudi?
Let us tell you, Saif Ali Khan's younger sister Saba is not married and she lives with her mother and brother in the same building where the incident took place. Currently, Saba is away from the family. She also has many other houses in Mumbai and Delhi. She is a jewelry designer. Saba Ali Khan is also the chief trustee of the Royal Trust established as a royal charitable endowment by the then 'Princely State' of Bhopal State. Saba is very close to the family and spends most of her time with the family. She also has a loving relationship with Saif's children. She is also very close to Kareena Kapoor Khan. Saba's Instagram is full of family photos. She keeps posting glimpses of every celebration in the family on social media.