Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan has been attacked with a sharp knife. The accused entered Saif Ali Khan's house and tried to stab him. Saif Ali Khan has been injured in this attack. After which he has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. The police have registered a case and started investigation. According to the information received so far, the accused entered the house with the intention of stealing. During this time he encountered Saif Ali Khan. Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan has been injured in this attack. After being injured, he has been admitted to the hospital for treatment. Also, the police has also reached the spot. The police has registered a case and started investigation.
Police gave information about the case
Let us tell you that the information about this case has been given by Mumbai Police itself. According to the report of Press Trust of India, the police said that an accused entered the house and attacked Saif Ali Khan with a sharp knife. In which Saif Ali Khan got injured. Saif Ali Khan has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai for treatment. Also, the police has started investigating the case. The police said that the full information of this case will be revealed only after the investigation. The police said that the accused had entered the house to steal. But during this time the maid of the house saw him and tried to catch him. The thief started fighting with the maid, seeing which Saif Ali Khan tried to intervene. During this, Saif Ali Khan got injured in his leg. However, these injuries are not very serious. Soon after treatment, Saif Ali Khan can be released from the hospital. However, no information has come out from the hospital regarding this yet.
Saif Ali Khan became a hit in villain roles
Let us tell you that Saif Ali Khan has been a hit in villainous roles for the past few years. Saif Ali Khan was seen sharing the screen with South superstar Junior NTR in the recently released film Devra. After this, Saif Ali Khan has more than 10 films in his hands which are ready for upcoming release. According to IMDb, films like Race-4, Devra-2, Spirit, Go Goa Gone-2 are in Saif's account. The shooting of these films will start soon. Now it remains to be seen in which film Saif Ali Khan will be seen showing his acting skills on screen for the first time.