Entertainment: AR Rahman and Saira Banu's separation news came as a shock for many as the two were married for nearly three decades. On Tuesday evening, Rahman shared an official note on his X thanking everyone, who respected their family's privacy. Soon after the news of their separation went viral on social media, fans of the Oscar-winning musician expressed their sadness and some of them even recalled the time when the two were seen together at an event. The event was Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's wedding earlier this year and a picture of the former couple posing is doing rounds on the internet.
In the post featuring Rahman and Saira, the former couple is seen smiling and posing for a click. Soon after their separation news broke on social media, fans chimed in the comment section. One user wrote, ''How many of you'll are here after seeing their separation news.'' ''kya se kya ho gya dekhte dekhte,'' wrote another.
Announcing it a 'fragile chapter', AR Rahman also shared a post on his Instagram handle announcing separation and wrote, ''We had hoped to reach the grand thirty, but all things, it seems, carry an unseen end. Even the throne of God might tremble at the weight of broken hearts. Yet, in this shattering, we seek meaning, though the pieces may not find their place again. To our friends, thank you for your kindness and for respecting our privacy as we walk through this fragile chapter.''
Shortly after this, Rahman's son Ameen also reshared his father's post and wrote, ''We kindly request everyone to respect our privacy during this time. Thank you for your understanding.'' Not only his son but his daughter also urged everyone to give the family 'privacy and respect'. ''I would greatly appreciate it if this matter could be treated with the utmost privacy and respect. Thank you for your consideration.