Entertainment: In the times of Bollywood re-releases, another iconic blockbuster is set to hit cinemas soon. This time it's Salman Khan-starrer Biwi No 1. On Thursday, Jackky Bhagnani shared a trailer of the film on his Instagram handle announcing the news and also disclosing the re-release date of the film. The film was originally released in 1999 and is returning to theatres after 25 years. As per Jackky's post, Biwi No 1 will re-release in cinemas on November 29.
Excited about the re-release, producer Vashu Bhagnani in a press note said, "Biwi No. holds a special place in our hearts. The movie connected with audiences against all oc and won the hearts of millions. Bringing it back to the big screen gives us a chance to relive the laughter and fun, especially with its amazing star cast. The magic of this film is timeless, and we want every cinegoer to remember the joy of laughter."
Director David Dhawan also expressed equal enthusiasm and said, ''Audiences still talk about the film's humour and the joy it brought to families. Comedy films are best enjoyed when watched in a group and on the big screen. Re-releasing Biwi No. 1 will give fans a chance to celebrate those memories and introduce new viewers.''
About the film
The comedy drama revolves around the life of Prem as Salman Khan, a successful businessman who is married to Pooja as Karisma Kapoor. Prem's life takes a dramatic turn when he meets Rupali as Sushmita Sen, a glamorous model, and they begin an affair. Pooja gets to know about Prem's affair and now decides to teach him a lesson by pretending to be an ideal wife while planning her own revenge.
Biwi No 1 was the second highest-grossing film of the year. Some of the film's songs became immensely popular including 'Chunari Chunari', 'Ishq Sona' and 'Mujhe Maaf Karna'. Saif Ali Khan played a special cameo in the film.