Entertainment: Allu Arjun, who is all geared up for his next release Pushpa 2: The Rule, celebrated his daughter Arha's eighth birthday. The actor treated his fans with a glimpse of his 'cutest joy', who turned eight on November 21, 2024. Taking to his Instagram handle, Allu Arjun shared a video of their recent beachside vacation. In the video, Arha is seen wearing a sweatshirt and pyjamas and enjoying the breeze at the beachside by waving her long hair. ''Happy Birthday to the cutest joy of my life … My lil Arha … 8 years of purest joy … your presence makes my life wayyy sweeter … lots of hugs , pokey kisses and infinite love. NANAA,'' the actor wrote along with the clip.
Not only this, Allu Arjun also shared a cute family picture wherein his daughter is about to blow candles and cut her birthday cake.
Image Source : INSTAGRAMAllu Arjun's latest Instagram Story.
On the professional front, Allu Arjun recently unveiled the trailer of his highly-anticipated flick, Pushpa 2: The Rule. The trailer features the actor reprising his titular character of a red sandalwood smuggler, while Rashmika appears as his love interest in this installment as well. The actor is shown making a magnificent entry. It continues with strong action sequences and the appearance of Rashmika Mandanna as Srivalli. Soon, Fahadh Faasil appears as Pushpa's enemy, threatening to fight him.
More deets about the sequel
Directed by Sukumar and produced by Mythri Movie Makers and Muttamsetty Media, the film will see Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, and Fahadh Faasil reprise their roles as Pushpa Raj, Srivalli, and Bhanwar Singh Shekawat. Allu Arjun, the main lead of the film, received a National Film Award for his performance in the first part.
The first part of Pushpa, directed by Sukumar, showcased power tussles set against the backdrop of red sandalwood smuggling. The is set to hit the theatres on December 5.