'Pushpa 2' actor Allu Arjun's troubles do not seem to be decreasing yet. The superstar has been surrounded by controversies ever since the stampede accident at Hyderabad's Sandhya Theater during the premiere of Pushpa 2. Now the actor has been issued a summons by Hyderabad Police for questioning on Tuesday (December 24) in the Sandhya Theater stampede case. A woman lost her life and her son was seriously injured in the tragic stampede during the premiere of Pushpa 2. The 8-year-old child has been declared brain dead by the doctor. In such a situation, the police gave a notice to the actor to appear for questioning at 11 am on Tuesday in connection with the incident.
Attack on Allu Arjun's residence
A group of men attacked the Telugu actor's residence demanding justice for the woman who died in a stampede at the screening of 'Pushpa-2' in Hyderabad. During this, stones were pelted and heavy vandalism was done at the superstar's house. They raised slogans against Allu Arjun and demanded financial assistance of Rs 1 crore to the victim's family.
Allu Arjun was not at home at the time of the attack
The placards left by them said that crores of rupees are earned by making films, while those who watch films are dying. The protesters were removed from there by the police. Police sources indicated that Allu Arjun was not at home at the time of the incident. Police said security is being provided at the actor's residence in view of the attack. Allu Arjun's father and veteran producer Allu Arvind said that they would like to exercise restraint and the law will do its job.
The producer gave Rs 50 lakh to the victim's family
Meanwhile, the makers of actor Allu Arjun starrer blockbuster 'Pushpa-2' on Monday extended financial assistance of Rs 50 lakh to the family of the woman who died in the stampede incident. Producer Naveen Yerneni visited the hospital where the victim's eight-year-old son is undergoing treatment and handed over a cheque to the family. Allu Arjun was arrested in this case recently, after which he got bail. Recently, incidents of stone pelting were also reported at the actor's house. These matters had not even cooled down yet that now the superstar has been issued a summons by the police.