New Delhi. Veteran Indian off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin took the biggest decision of his career after the Gabba Test was drawn. He said goodbye to international cricket as soon as the match ended. After the match, Ashwin came for a press conference with captain Rohit Sharma. During this, he told all the journalists about his decision. Earlier, a video of Ashwin went viral. it could be seen that Ashwin was sitting in the dressing room with Virat Kohli. Both of them talk to each other. During this, Ashwin gets emotional and Virat Kohli hugs him. After this, speculations started that Ashwin is now going to retire and the same happened after the match. Now Virat Kohli has also become emotional after Ashwin's retirement. He has shared an emotional post on X.
Sharing a picture with Ashwin, Virat Kohli wrote, “I have played with you for 14 years and when you told me that you are retiring today, it made me a bit emotional. Memories of all those years of playing together came back to me.”Virat wrote, "I have enjoyed every moment of the journey with you, your skill and match-winning contribution to Indian cricket is second to none. You will always be remembered as a legend of Indian cricket. Best wishes to you and your family for whatever comes your way in life. With great respect and lots of love to you and those close to you. Thank you for everything friend."