
Kidney stones can be caused due to many factors like drinking less water, increased uric acid level, excessive intake of calcium medicines, excessive intake of sugar or sodium. Do you know about the Ayurvedic treatment of kidney stone problem? If not, then you should get information about the Patharchatta plant.

Stonecutter will prove effective

The easily available Patharchatta plant can prove to be very beneficial for your kidney health. You can use Patharchatta plant to get rid of the problem of kidney stones. Take a leaf of Patharchatta plant and then add some sugar candy to it. Now grind both these things well. In this way, by consuming Patharchatta with sugar candy, you can get rid of the problem of kidney stones.

Can be consumed with lukewarm water

If you want, you can include the leaves of this plant in your diet plan along with lukewarm water. First of all, take two leaves of the stone breaker plant. Now wash and clean these leaves. After this, you can chew these leaves with lukewarm water. By following this rule every morning on an empty stomach, you can get rid of the problem of kidney stones.

Include yoga in your routine

Along with including Patharchatta in your diet plan, you should also include some yogasanas in your routine. According to Ayurveda, yogasanas like Yogamudrasana, Bhujangasana, Paschimottanasana, Kapalabhati and Anulom-Vilom can prove to be helpful in getting rid of the problem of kidney stones. However, you should start practicing these yogasanas only under the supervision of a yoga guru.

(This article is for general information, please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)