Entertainment: While new faces are slowly entering Bigg Boss Season 18, in the last six weeks, the journey of many old players is coming to an end from the show. From Shehzada to Naira Banerjee, Gunaratna Sadavarte and Hema Sharma, many contestants have said goodbye to this show. In six weeks, changes were also seen in the mutual equations of many members of the house. While Shilpa Shirodkar is repeatedly attacking her friend Karanveer Mehra with love and breaking his trust, on the other hand, now the trust of Avinash Mishra-Esha Singh and Alice Kaushik has also started to waver in Vivian Dsena's group. However, like every week, this week too, a contestant's journey is going to end from the show. Who is the person whose journey ended this week in Bigg Boss, let's find out.
Who will be eliminated this week?
After the wild card entries came to the show, now a total of 19 contestants are fighting with each other for the trophy. Last week, while Bigg Boss did not eliminate a single contestant and gave them one more chance to show their game, this week, according to reports, not one but double eviction is going to happen in the show.
A news page of Bigg Boss 18 shared information related to the elimination and told that the first nominated contestant of this week has been out of the show. Out of the seven nominated contestants, the housemate whose journey has ended this week is Alice Kaushik. The 'Pandya Store' actress was nominated by almost all the housemates except her friends, hence, she will bid goodbye to the show this week.
Bigg Boss' prediction proved wrong
This time the makers had told in the beginning that the contestants in Salman Khan's reality show will not only be in the present, but many secrets of their past will be revealed and their future will also be told. Alice Kaushik and Vivian Dsena were the last two contestants to enter the Bigg Boss house and Bigg Boss predicted that both of them would be the top 2 finalists. However, this prediction of Bigg Boss proved wrong in the case of one.
When Alice came to this show, she became very good friends with Isha Singh and Avinash Mishra, but as time passed, Avinash and Isha kept her together, but whenever it came to any power or priority, they sidelined the actress, due to which her game looked very weak.