Entertainment: Former Bigg Boss contestant Hina Khan will make an appearance on the upcoming Bigg Boss 18 episode. The actress will share the stage with host Salman Khan in the Weekend Ka Vaar episode. In a promo shared by the makers, Hina was seen entering the stage dressed in a silver sequined suit. The actress greeted Salman with a hug and reflected on her journey on the show. ICYDK: Hina Khan was a contestant in Bigg Boss 11. She was the first runner-up of that season.
Hina said that her stint on the show taught her to be tough, resilient, and determined. "This beautiful journey in Bigg Boss has given me strength. The show gave me a beautiful label and now the entire world knows me as 'Sher Khan'," she said. Salman acknowledged Hina's emotions and addressed her fight with cancer. The actor assured her that she would recover quickly and praised her for putting up a strong fight against the illness. He said, “You are fighting every challenge. You will be okay, 1,000 per cent,” moving Hina to tears.
Back in June, Hina Khan revealed that she has been diagnosed with stage three breast cancer and is being treated for it. The actress shared a long note on Instagram in which she mentioned that she's “determined and truly committed to overcoming this disease.”
An excerpt from her note read, “I want to share some important news with all the Hinaholics and everyone who loves and cares for me. I have been diagnosed with Stage Three breast cancer. Despite this challenging diagnosis, I want to reassure everyone that I am doing well. I am strong, determined and truly committed to overcoming this disease. My treatment has already begun and I am ready to do everything necessary to emerge from this even stronger."