Entertainment: Bollywood actors Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh were spotted with their newborn daughter Dua at Mumbai's Kalina airport on Friday. Seems like the couple is finally taking a vacation with their daughter. While Deepika was seen wearing a polka dot top, Ranveer Singh wore a pink tracksuit and matched his outfit with daughter Dua. Dua, who was seen in her mother's arms, packed and hidden was also wearing pink pants. The couple were spotted at Mumbai's private airport along with Ranveer Singh's mother Anju Bhavnani.
Deepika-Ranveer revealed their daughter's name on Diwali
Bollywood couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone announced their daughter's name on the occasion of Diwali. The actors took to their Instagram profile to share a joint post where they shared their daughter's foot photo and wrote, "Dua Padukone Singh | दुआ पादुकोण सिंह ‘Dua’: meaning a Prayer. Because She is the Answer to our Prayers. Our hearts are filled with Love & Gratitude. Deepika and Ranveer." In the photo, both Deepika and Dua are seemingly dressed in red for Diwali celebrations.
Dua Padukone was born on September 8
Deepika and Ranveer welcomed their firstborn on September 8. The couple has then too shared a joint post, which read, "Welcome baby girl. 8.9.2024. Deepika and Ranveer." The comment section of this post is filled with congratulatory messages from all over the world. From Vin Diesel and Priyanka Chopra Jonas to Rajkummar and PV Sindhu, several celebs wished the couple on their daughter's birth.
It is significant to note that the couple had announced their pregnancy just before leaving for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant's first pre-wedding in Jamnagar. Deepika even shot the current running film in theatres, Singham Again and Kalki 2898 AD, while she was pregnant. Ranveer had even called Singham Again the debut film of his daughter Dua.