Taimur Ali Khan, the first child born to Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan in 2016, instantly won the hearts of the paparazzi. The doctor that Kareena and Saif chose for the birth of their first child Taimur was in the news at the time of his birth. Dr. Rustam Soonawalla, a favorite gynecologist of many Bollywood families, conducted Kareena Kapoor Khan's delivery at the time of Taimur. But now, Dr. Rustam is no more in this world. Dr. Rustam breathed his last on January 5 this year. Padma Shri awardee Dr. Rustam was 95 years old.
Dr. Rustam was special to the Kapoor family
The renowned Dr. Rustom Soonawalla, who has helped many families receive their happy news, was one of the renowned gynecologists in Mumbai. The Kapoor family was particularly fond of Dr. Soonawalla, and he assisted in the delivery of almost every baby born in the family, including Karisma Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor Khan. Not only this, Kareena, Karisma and Ranbir also approached Dr. Soonawalla when they had their children.
Doctor Rustam also brought these star kids into the world
Not just the senior Kapoors, but during Raha too, Dr. Rustam had conducted Alia's delivery. Apart from this, Kareena Kapoor Khan also chose Dr. Rustam for Taimur's birth and Anushka Sharma also chose Dr. Rustam. Yes! Virat Kohli's first child Vamika Kohli was also brought into this world by Dr. Rustam Soonawala.
More about Dr. Rustam Soonawala
Dr Rustam died on January 5 after a prolonged illness. In the 1960s, the Padma Shri recipient created the birth control method known as the polyethylene IUD.