Bollywood stars have celebrated the New Year with great pomp. Bollywood stars have had a lot of fun in the New Year celebrations. Bollywood stars have also partied in Jamnagar, Gujarat on Christmas. Many Bollywood stars including Janhvi Kapoor and Ananya Pandey reached Jamnagar and partied fiercely. Now Ananya Pandey has shared pictures of this on her Instagram. In these pictures, many Bollywood stars including Ananya Pandey have joined here. On January 1, Janhvi Kapoor shared pictures of her Christmas celebration in Jamnagar with the Ambani family on her Instagram Stories. In the pictures, she was seen posing with her boyfriend Shikhar Pahadia as well as her friends Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant and many others. Ananya Pandey also gave her fans a glimpse of the party that was organized by her dear friends and newlywed couple, Anant and Radhika in Jamnagar. In the photo posted online by the CTRL actress, all of them can be seen gathering together for a group picture. Ananya Panday can be seen standing next to Anant wearing a black dress. She captioned the picture, 'Happy Shiny Friends' with a red heart emoji.
Film stars are friends with Anant and Radhika
Let us tell you that Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant are friends with all the film stars. From Ananya Pandey to Janhvi Kapoor and Sara Ali Khan, everyone is their friend. Last year, a party was held in Jamnagar on Christmas. Many film stars attended this party. Salman Khan also came here. A lot of parties were seen here from Christmas to New Year. Film stars have also shared its pictures on their Instagram.
Congratulations on the New Year celebration
Bollywood stars were also seen celebrating New Year. Bollywood stars have congratulated fans by sharing pictures of New Year. From Parineeti Chopra to Ranbir Kapoor, all the film stars have shared pictures of New Year with fans and congratulated them. Ranbir Kapoor celebrated New Year with his family. Along with this, Parineeti Chopra has also shared pictures of New Year celebrations with her husband.