Entertainment: Kartik Aaryan has been promoting his film 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3' alongside his co-stars, Vidya Balan and Tripti Dimri, for the past few days. Recently, during a promotional event, Vidya Balan playfully teased Kartik by saying that he had switched from doing advertisements for Pan Masala to endorsing condoms. Kartik couldn't help but laugh at her comment.
What did Vidya Balan say?
Recently, Kartik Aaryan, along with Vidya Balan, participated in an interview with Siddharth Kannan to promote his film. During the interview, when Kartik was asked about his decision to refuse an advertisement for Pan Masala, he replied, "Yes, I refused the advertisement for Pan Masala. They wanted me to do several types of work that I was not comfortable with, which is why I declined the offer."
Vidya Balan, who was present during the interview, playfully teased Kartik by saying, "He chose a condom advertisement instead of Pan Masala because he prefers safety over Pan Masala." Kartik couldn’t help but laugh at Vidya’s comment and replied, "Yes, she is right. When it comes to safety versus Pan Masala, I chose safety because it’s important."
Kartik was last seen in a condom advertisement
Kartik Aaryan was last seen in a condom advertisement, which has gone viral and has been widely shared on social media. He chose this ad while refusing the Pan Masala offer. His film, "Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3," is set to hit theatres today. It will be interesting to see how successful this film is in winning the audience's hearts. The previous two parts of this film were superhits, and Kartik made an impressive entry in "Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2," which was also a success. Now, the third instalment has been released today.