Entertainment: The sequel of the dystopian film 'Kalki 2898 AD' starring Prabhas, Amitabh Bachchan, Deepika Padukone and Kamal Haasan will be released in the year 2026. The makers themselves have confirmed this. Along with this, a big update has been shared on Deepika Padukone's character in it. Not only this, they have also given a glimpse of the actress' character in the film. Attending the screening of their film at the 55th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa, Swapna Dutt and Priyanka Dutt gave an update on 'Kalki 2' while speaking to reporters on the red carpet. Reportedly 'Kalki 2' will be the first film that Deepika will shoot after her maternity break.
Deepika's role also revealed
The actress welcomed her daughter Dua Padukone Singh earlier this year. Interestingly, Dutt also revealed that DP was pregnant while shooting for the first part of 'Kalki'. She also played a pregnant woman in Nag Ashwin's film. Talking about Deepika's role in the second part, Swapna said, 'She will be seen in the role of a mother in some parts of the sequel.'
30-35 percent of shooting has been done
The producers further said, 'Work (on the film) is going on. Pre-production is happening, and we will go on the floor soon. We had shot 30-35 per cent of part two along with the first part.' Swapna Dutt and Priyanka Dutt also reacted to the news that the team will resume shooting in February or March. They further added, 'We have still not finalised the dates, but we will announce it soon.'
'Kalki 2' will have a huge global release
Like the first part, the makers have planned a huge global release for the second part as well. Kamal Haasan will be the main villain in the mega-budget science-fiction film, while Disha Patani will also play an important role. It is known that the first part of this science fiction film 'Kalki 2898 AD' had earned Rs 1041 crore worldwide.