Entertainment: Legendary filmmaker Boney Kapoor is celebrating his 69th birthday today, November 11, 2024. He has been receiving birthday wishes from across his friends in the film fraternity including his daughter Khushi Kapoor, who shared an adorable post on her Instagram, calling him the 'coolest Kapoor' and 'best Dad ever'. Taking to her Instagram handle under the Stories section, Khushi shared a throwback picture of her father and wrote, ''Happy Birthday to the coolest Kapoor and the best Dad ever. Love you papa,'' along with a white heart emoji.
Image Source : INSTAGRAMKhushi Kapoor's latest Instagram Stories
In another Insta Stories, Khushi shared a picture of herself and her father from the time when she was very young. Boney Kapoor, brother of Anil Kapoor and Sanjay Kapoor, is father of four children. Arjun Kapoor Anshula Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor.
Arjun and his sister Anshula Kapoor are Boney Kapoor's children with his first wife, the late Mona Shourie Kapoor. Janhvi and Khushi are Boney's daughters from his marriage to his second wife, the late actor Sridevi. In an episode of Koffee With Karan Season 6, Janhvi revealed they are all part of a WhatsApp group called 'Dad's Kids'.
Boney Kapoor is known for producing hit films like Mr India, Wanted, No Entry, Company and many more. Earlier this year, he came up with Ajay Devgn-starrer Maidaan. Last year, he also tried his hand at acting. He was featured in Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, which stars Ranbir Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, and Dimple Kapadia among others. In the film, he essayed the role of Ranbir's father.