Entertainment: Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt's daughter Raha Kapoor is one of the most captivating star kids on social media. Each time a picture of Raha surfaced on social media, it grabbed people's eyeballs. A latest picture of Raha is already winning over fans with her cuteness where the adorable relationship of 'Bua-Bhatiji' can be seen. Taking to Instagram, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni shared a pic of herself with little Raha. However, the face of the little munchkin is not visible in the picture but Riddhim's expression clearly shows how precious the moment would have been.
See the post:
Image Source : INSTAGRAMRiddhima Kapoor Sahni's latest Instagram post
In the caption, Riddhima wrote, ''With my popsicle with heart emojis and the hashtag of #BuaBhatijiTime. Reacting to the post, Neetu Kapoor also reshared the post and wrote, ''Awww', with several heart emojis.
Earlier this month, Alia dropped an adorable picture of Raha on her second birthday. The picture showcased Alia and Ranbir looking adorably at the newborn. Alia cradled baby Raha while Ranbir wrapped his arms around them.
''2 years today and how I already wish to turn back time to when you were only a few weeks old!!! but I guess that comes with the territory, once a parent all you want is for your baby to stay your baby forever. happy birthday our life .. you make everyday feel like birthday cake,'' Alia wrote in the caption along with the picture.
Alia and Ranbir tied the knot in April 2022, a few month ahead of their film's release Brahmastra. Their daughter Raha was born in the same year in the same year in November.