The news of the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan has shocked everyone. This Bollywood actor was stabbed 6 times and due to this he suffered a severe injury on his spine and neck. It is being told that a 2.5 inch piece of knife was removed from the actor's spine. Let us tell you that a wound in the spine can prove to be dangerous for your body and health.
you might have to give and take
Spinal cord injury can also cause numbness. Paralysis can also occur due to a deep injury to the spinal cord. This type of injury can also damage blood vessels and nerves. Not only this, bleeding can also occur inside the body due to a more serious injury to the spinal cord. The damage caused to health and the body depends on the severity of the injury.
spinal cord is an important part of the body
The spinal cord is an important part of the body. For your information, let us tell you that the spinal cord works to transmit messages from the brain to the rest of the body. If there is a minor injury to the spinal cord, you may feel weakness or loss of sensation.
Make your spine stronger
Sitting in the wrong posture, taking excessive stress, sitting for long hours, not exercising at all, such factors can have a bad effect on the spine. If you want to strengthen your spine, then you should try to manage stress, sit in the right posture, exercise regularly, and follow such habits regularly. Apart from this, calcium and vitamin D rich food items can also prove to be effective in strengthening your spine.
(This article is for general information, please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)