New Delhi. Bollywood's mega superstar Salman Khan has been away from the silver screens for the last one year. His fans are eagerly waiting for many great movies in the coming time. Which also includes the name of South cinema's veteran director AR Murgadoss's film Sikandar. For a long time, there has been a discussion about Salman's upcoming film with Atlee Kumar, a popular producer in South cinema . Now Atlee himself has made a big revelation on this matter and has told that he is coming up with an action thriller with Bhaijaan in the coming time.
Salman Khan will be seen with Atlee
Last year, Salman Khan's close friend and superstar Shah Rukh Khan gave a mega blockbuster film like Jawaan with Atlee Kumar. After this, there was a lot of talk that Salman should also do a film with Atlee, and various kinds of news came out about this. Atlee has now given his clarification on this.
During an interview with Pinkvilla, Atlee has told that he is going to make a film with Salman Khan, in which Bhaijaan's avatar will be quite different from before. This will be a mass-masala action thriller movie, which the audience will like. When we had a meeting with Salman, he came 30 minutes before the scheduled time, which is enough to tell that he himself is excited about this project.
In this way Atlee has confirmed his film with Salman Khan. Let us tell you that this could be the 6th film of Atlee's career as a filmmaker.
Salman Khan's cameo in Baby John
Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan is going to release the film Baby John with Atlee in a few days. It will be released in theatres on 25th December on the occasion of Christmas. Fans are very excited about this film. A big reason for this is Salman Khan's cameo in the movie.
Yes, Salman Khan will be seen in Atlee's Baby John. Earlier, Bhaijaan has made headlines by doing a cameo in a film like Pathan. In such a situation, it will be interesting to see in what style Salman will be seen this time.