The Sabarmati Report, starring Vikrant Massey, Riddhi Dogra, and Raashii Khanna, has been performing well at the box office since its release last Friday. The movie revolves around the Godhra train burning incident that occurred in Gujarat in 2002. The film is being loved by many and also some of the state governments, specifically the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-ruled, have declared the film tax-free. Now, Yogi Adityanath-led Uttar Pradesh's government has declared the film tax-free in the state after the Chief Minister attended the screening of the Vikrant Massey-starrer in Lucknow with the film's cast.
CHeck out some of the pics from the special screening:
Image Source : UP CM Yogi Adityanath purchasing tickets from booking counter.
Image Source : UP CM Yogi Adityanath watches special screening of The Sabarmati Report in Lucknow.
Image Source : A shot featuring UP CM Yogi Adityanath watching the film
Image Source : UP CM meets Vikrant Massey after watching the film.
Earlier this week, actor Vikrant Massey also met UP CM Yogi Adityanath at his residence in Lucknow. The politician also shared a picture of their meeting on his official social media handles. ''Film actor Shri @vikrantmassey paid courtesy visit to government residence in Lucknow today,'' he wrote along with the click.
Vikrant also shared the same picture on his Instagram handle and expressed his gratitude to the UP CM for his kind words about the film."Today got an opportunity to meet Hon'ble Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Their appreciation has inspired the entire team of #TheSabarmatiReport. Heartfelt thanks for this respect and affection," he wrote.
Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised the film, describing it as a significant film on the 2002 Godhra train coach-burning incident. He remarked that it is good to see the "truth" coming to light. The PM responded to a post on X (previously called Twitter) by a user who praised the movie and tagged him along with a video of the film's trailer.
Directed by Dheeraj Sarna, the film is produced by Ektaa Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor-led Balaji Motion Pictures.