In Bigg Boss 18, today on Sunday, Salman Khan once again reached the stage in Weekend Ka Vaar. Today's Weekend War, which started amidst the quarrel of the housemates, brought bad news for 2 contestants. Now 2 contestants have been evicted from the Bigg Boss 18 house together. These two contestants are Eden Ross and Yamini. Both these contestants had entered the Bigg Boss 18 house as wild card entries. Today Salman Khan has evicted both of them from the house on the basis of less votes of the people. Now only 11 contestants are left in the house.
Now only one wild card contestant is left in the house
Let us tell you that first of all 2 contestants were given wild card entry in Bigg Boss house. In which the names of Digvijay Singh Rathi and Kashish Kapoor were included first. Both these contestants were seen in a very uproarious mood as soon as they entered the house. There were already talks of discord between the two. After these two, Eden Rose, Yamini and Aditi Mistry were given place in the Bigg Boss house as 3 wild card entries. Out of these, Digvijay Singh Rathi has been eliminated so far. Earlier, Aditi was the first to be eliminated from the house. After this, Digvijay Singh had to leave the Bigg Boss house. Now on Sunday, on the day of Weekend Ka Vaar, Yamini and Eden Rose have also been eliminated from the house.
Now 11 contestants will compete for the trophy
Now only 11 contestants are left in the Bigg Boss house. So far more than 8 contestants have had to leave the house. Bigg Boss 18 was quite cold in the beginning. Now Bigg Boss 18 has also picked up pace. Now it has to be seen who among these 11 housemates is able to capture the trophy. Talking about the top-5 contestants so far, Karanvir Mehra, Vivian Dsena, Avinash Mishra, Isha Singh, Shilpa Shirodkar and Chum Darang along with Rajat Dalal are also included in this list.