Entertainment: Power star Pawan Singh's superhit film 'Sooryavansham' has rocked the box office and has maintained its hold in the second week as well. Produced by producer Nishant Ujjwal, this film is getting a lot of love from the audience and the crowd of audience is continuously gathering in the cinema halls. The film has collected 80 percent in Patna's multiplex Cinepolis, after which the film has also been released in multiplexes of Gopalganj, Siwan, Muzaffarpur.
The film has also recorded a collection of 70 percent in Bandra's Getty Galaxy. This is a good sign for Bhojpuri films. This film has also been released at many new centers. Despite Hindi films like Stree 2, Suryavansham is getting theatres. This is a big thing for Bhojpuri cinema and has also proved those people wrong who used to say that audience does not come to watch Bhojpuri films.
Pawan Singh's 'Sooryavansham' wreaks havoc at the box office
Regarding the film Suryavansham, producer Nishant Ujjwal said, "I am overwhelmed by the tremendous love and support Suryavansham is receiving. This film was a special project for us, and the result of Pawan Singh's hard work and the dedication of the team is that the film has performed so well at the box office.
We are very happy to see the positive response of the audience and the crowds flocking to the theatres. We hope that this trend continues in the coming weeks as well."
He said that the film's strong story, Pawan Singh's brilliant acting skills and impressive action sequences have kept the audience captivated. Due to the positive response of film critics and tremendous support of the audience, "Sooryavansham" is consistently performing well at the box office.
It is clear from the huge crowds in the cinema halls that the enthusiasm of the audience for the film has not waned and its pace of success is expected to continue in the coming days.
Star cast of 'Sooryavansham'
'Sooryavansham' is produced under the banner of Yash Films (Abhay Sinha) and Renu Vijay Films Entertainment. The producer of the film is Nishant Ujjwal, while the direction is handled by Rajnish Mishra. He has also written the story of this film.
Along with Pawan Singh, actors like Aastha Singh, Shalu Singh, Chandni Singh, Gopal Ji, Maya Yadav, Anoop Arora, Ram Sujan Singh, Zoya Khan, and Dhama Verma have played lead roles in the film. The co-producers of the film are Dr. Sandeep Ujjwal and Sushant Ujjwal, and the role of DOP is played by Devendra Tiwari. Editing has been done by Komal Verma.
The music of the film is composed by Rajnish Mishra and SBR, and its songs are written by Pyarelal Yadav, Vijay Chauhan, Roshan Singh Vishwas, and Praful Tiwari. The choreography of the film is done by Kanu Mukherjee, Ricky Gupta, and Ravi Pandit. The PRO is Ranjan Sinha, and the art direction is done by Nazir Sheikh. The executive producers are Hasan Sheikh and Ramesh Chaurasia.