Entertainment: Actor turned politician and BJP leader Khushbu Sundar has raised her voice against sexual harassment. The South Industry is already shaken after Justice Hema Committee's report on the Malayalam film industry. Slowly, many names are getting added to it. Now Khushbu Sundar has made a long tweet about this.
Women have to compromise
In her note, the actress saluted the women who came forward and are fighting for this. She said, women are forced to face sexual harassment and compromise for their career in every field.
The BJP leader further wrote, 'Blaming the victim and asking her questions like why did you do this or why did you do that, breaks women down.
Request for support from men
Khushboo wrote, 'The victim can be anyone, he may be a stranger to you or me but there should be ears to listen to him. We need emotional support from all people.' She also urged all men to stand with the victim and support her.
The father abused
Along with this, he also revealed about his father who abused him at the age of 8. He wrote, "Some people ask me why it took me so long to speak about my father's abuse? I agree that I should have spoken earlier. But what happened to me was not a compromise to make my career. I was abused by the person who was one of the strongest hands to hold me when I fell."