Entertainment: There has been a ruckus in the Malayalam film industry since the Hema Committee report was released and now famous artists have started coming under the purview of allegations. After Revathi Sampath, now Meenu Munir has shared the story of sexual harassment that happened with her. She has accused many artists through social media.
Famous Malayalam film actress Meenu has claimed that in 2013, while she was working on a project, her co-stars and technicians abused her verbally and physically. In a post written on Facebook, she has accused several actors and production people, including actor Jayasurya.
Was Meenu Munir forced to leave the industry?
Meenu Muneer shared a long post on her Facebook account claiming, "I am writing about all the incidents when I was physically and verbally abused in the Malayalam film industry by Mukesh, Maniyan Pilla Raju, Idavela Babu, Jayasurya, Advocate Chandrasekaran, Production Controller Noble and Vichu.