Entertainment: Bollywood's rising actress Sharvari Wagh has recently broken her silence on the poor performance of her film 'Veda' at the box office. The film did not collect as much as expected, after which Sharvari has shared her opinion on it.
A few weeks ago, Sharvari Wagh grabbed a lot of attention with the film Munjya. Her item number Tarsa is still trending on social media, but her second film Veda is on the verge of flop. However, Sharvari said that she is not bothered by the box office business.
Sharvari does not understand business
Sharvari Wagh, in a conversation with India Today, said that she is still a student when it comes to understanding the business part of the industry. The actress said, "Honestly, there are two different ways to look at it. For me, I think my heart in Veda was in the role and the performance. I really think the heart of the film was in the right place. Now in terms of business, whether things work or not is not my cup of tea, because this is only my third film in theatres. So, it is something that I am still learning, and I am still trying to understand how it translates and what is right in terms of business."