Entertainment: The trailer for Dhvani Bhanushali's Bollywood debut, 'Kahan Shuru Kahan Khatam', opposite Aashim Gulati, has finally been released, providing spectators a glimpse into what promises to be a lively and funny experience. The film, created by Laxman Utekar and directed by Saurabh Dasgupta, promises to put a new spin on romantic comedy.
'Kahan Shuru Kahan Khatam' trailer is out now
The trailer introduces Dhvani Bhanushali as a charming and energetic newcomer to the film industry. Dhvani and Aashim Gulati, who play a runaway bride and a wedding crasher, light up the screen with a blend of humour, chemistry, and playful tension. When their lives converge, the story takes an unexpected turn, setting the tone for an "arranged accidental love story". The cast also shared the trailer on their Instagram profiles and has been getting a good response. Social media users also congratulated the cast on the arrival of their new film.
'Kahan Shuru Kahan Khatam' Plot
Against the backdrop of a small hamlet in India, 'Kahan Shuru Kahan Khatam' combines humour and heart, taking spectators on a rollercoaster of memorable moments and laugh-out-loud scenarios. The trailer gives a taste of the film's engrossing mix of unpredictable occurrences, catchy dialogue, and an irresistible sense of optimism.
Makers, cast and release date
Laxman Utekar’s 'Kahan Shuru Kahan Khatam', starring Dhvani Bhanushali & Aashim Gulati and directed by Saurabh Dasgupta, is all set to release theatrically on 20th September 2024. An ensemble cast of industry veterans, including Supriya Pilgaonkar, Rakesh Bedi, Sonali Sachdev, Rajesh Sharma, Akhilendra Mishra, Chittranjan Tripathy, Vikram Kochhar, Himanshu Kohli, and Vikas Verma, provide colour and complexity to the story. A Bhanushali Studios Limited & Kathputli Creations production, the young musical family entertainer is produced by Vinod Bhanushali, Laxman Utekar, Karishma Sharma and Kamlesh Bhanushali.