Entertainment: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Anil Kapoor and Akshay Khanna starrer Taal is once again releasing in theatres. Subhash Ghai's highly acclaimed film with hit the big screens this Friday. Recently, the filmmaker attended a special event hosted by Radio Nasha and spoke about the film. He also mentioned that AR Rahman got a 'minimum' pay for the music of Taal. As surprising as it may sound, Rahman, who was sitting next to Ghat at the event, suggested they should mention that at the 25th anniversary of Taal.
Anil Kapoor gives an interesting anecdote
Anil Kapoor also attended the event and revealed an interesting fact about the filming of the conclusion of Taal. Kapoor mentioned that Subhash Ghai would deliver dialogue at the last minute. "The climax monologue was scheduled to be shot the next day. I told him, "I'm not coming tomorrow." You aren't giving me the scene. He knows me so well that he said, "Theek hai." Mat aa' (Don't come). "I woke up the next day and decided not to go. But I was worried about what would happen if I didn't go to the shoot. I also feared that 'Kahin scene alteration kar ke dialogue Akshaye Khanna ko na de de' I got to the sets at 12:30 p.m. He was relaxed because he knew I was coming. We must have finished the scenes in 2-3 hours," Anil Kapoor revealed.
Taal will be released in 136 theatres
Subhash Ghai's Taal is re-releasing on September 27 in 136 theaters all across India. The film will screen with new releases, Devara: Part 1 and Binny and Family, along with old releases, Stree 2 and Yudhra.
Taal accolades
Taal was a huge success at the Filmfare Award 2002. Anil Kapoor won the Best Supporting Actor award, and AR Rahman won the Best Music Director award. Anand Bakshi won the best lyricist award, and Alka Yagnik won the Best Female Playback Singer award. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Subhash Ghai were also nominated in the Best Actor (Female) and Best Director categories, respectively. On the other hand, Alka, Anil, Rahman, and Bakshi also won the same awards at IFFA 2000. Taal was also a hit at that year's Zee and Screen Awards.
About the film
Taal, a romantic drama released in August 1999, follows the love tale of Mansi (Aishwarya Rai Bachchan), a gifted and soulful singer and dancer from a tiny town, and Manav (Akshaye Khanna), the son of a wealthy industrialist. It goes into the cultural differences that influence the couple's romantic journey and the misunderstandings that result. Taal, directed by Subhash Ghai, is a beautiful film with an outstanding soundtrack composed by AR Rahman. Anil Kapoor impresses as music producer Vikrant Kapoor, making this one of his most memorable performances.