
Entertainment: The Bombay High Court heard the case of Kangana Ranaut's film Emergency on Thursday. The bench asked the Censor Board of Film Certification to give them a good update on the matter, however, CBFC was unable to get the required cuts in the film by the makers and studio to date. For the unversed, Kangana Ranaut's film Emergency has reached the Bombay HC over its delayed release date. The matter started after the makers of the film were unable to get their film certified by the censor board. Later the CBFC had asked for three cuts in Kangana's film. However, the makers have asked for some time to get the required changes done. 

Today's hearing on Emergency

In the last several hearings, the Bombay High Court had asked the CBFC to decide this matter as soon as possible. In today's hearing the censor board told the court that the Revising Committee Bench of the Censor Board has asked for some cuts in the film. In such a situation, the studio on whose behalf the petition was filed in the Bombay High Court, asked for time from the court to ensure whether the cuts being suggested can be made or not. Bombay High Court has postponed the matter till Monday.

For the unversed, Kangana's directorial film Emergency was earlier set to release on September 6. However, a few days ahead of the film's release, the makers of Emergency appealed in the Bombay High Court demanding a certification for their film. In its verdict, the high court said that it could not direct the Censor Board to award the certificate since it would contradict the Madhya Pradesh High Court judgment. The MP court instructed the CBFC to hear the representations of Sikh groups that had filed petitions before it.

About the film

Written and directed by Kangana Ranaut, Emergency also stars Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhary, Milind Soman, Shreyas Talpade, Vishak Nair, and the late Satish Kaushik in lead roles. Produced by Zee Studios and Manikarnika Films, the film has music by Sanchit Balhara and screenplay and dialogues by Ritesh Shah. The story of Emergency revolves around the life of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Kangana plays the lead role of the late politician. The former Prime Minister had imposed an emergency in the country in 1975.
