Entertainment: Film actress and BJP MP from Mandi Lok Sabha seat of Himachal Pradesh, Kangana Ranaut, is often in the news for her headline-making statements. However, this time she is in the news for her upcoming film 'Emergency' and its release. A petition has been filed in the Madhya Pradesh High Court (Jabalpur) against this film. It is being said that 'Emergency' may hurt the sentiments of the Sikh community. As per the pleaders, several scenes have come out in the film's trailer, in which the form of Sikhs has been shown as gruesome and dangerous, which is completely wrong.
Who filed the petition and why?
Let us tell you that Kangana's film was earlier being released on September 6. As soon as its trailer came out, the controversy over the film started. In the petition filed by Sardar Manjit Singh Bhatia of Indore and Sardar Manohar Singh of Jabalpur, it has been said that the people of the Sikh community of the whole country are unhappy about this film. Sikh Sangat Jabalpur and Shri Guru Singh Sabha Indore are demanding a ban on the screening of 'Emergency'
The trailer of the film shows four Sikhs and Hindus being shot. They are also shown demanding Khalistan. The petition says that the form of Sikhs has been described as gruesome and dangerous. It further states that the film can increase communal tension and harm the image of the Sikh community. A legal notice has been served to the film, but no response has been received so far. The film's director, producer and the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting have been made parties in the petition.
What does Kangana have to say?
BJP MP Kangana Ranaut had released a video and broke her silence on the controversy of this film. She has said that many kinds of rumours are flying that their film has got the censor certificate, but this is not correct. "Our film was cleared, but its certification has been stopped because too many threats are coming. Even the censors are getting threats. There is pressure on us not to show Indira Gandhi's assassination, not to show Bhindranwale, not to show Punjab riots. I don't know what to show then. I don't know what happened that suddenly the film was blacked out," said the Bollywood actress. Let us tell you that until the censor certificate is issued, the film cannot be released. Hence, 'Emergency' has been postponed once again.
About the film
The film investigates the tenure of then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the country when she imposed an emergency in the country after her election was declared invalid by the court. Apart from Kangana, Shreyas Talpade, Anupam Kher and Milind Soman will also be seen in this film. Now it remains to see when will the makers be able to clear their film from the certification board and MP High Court to bring it to the big screens.