Entertainment : Malayalam film industry is in news these days. There has been a stir in Mollywood since the Hema Committee report came out on August 19. Female artists of Malayalam industry are making shocking revelations one by one. Now actress Meenu Munir has revealed such a shameful incident that happened with her, knowing about which the ground will slip under your feet. Through a Facebook post, the actress has accused not one but four of her co-stars of sexually abusing her.
blamed these people
Meenu Munir has claimed in her post that Maniyanpilla Raju, Idavela Babu, Mukesh and Jayasurya sexually abused her in the year 2013. The actress said in her post that these four had physically and verbally abused her on the shooting set of a film. While revealing this incident, she has also revealed the names of some production controllers.
Meenu narrated her ordeal
Meenu Munir has shared a long post on Facebook. In which she wrote- 'In 2013, I was subjected to physical and verbal abuse by these individuals while working on a project. I tried to cooperate and continue working, but the abuse became unbearable. As a result, I was forced to leave the Malayalam film industry and shift to Chennai.'
Meenu pleaded for justice
Talking about this, Meenu further wrote- "I spoke out against the abuse in a newspaper article. Now I am seeking justice and accountability for the trauma and suffering I have suffered. I request your assistance in taking action against him for his despicable actions