Entertainment: Poet and writer Manoj Muntashir has confirmed that Kangana Ranaut starrer film 'Emergency' will not be released on 6 September. Amidst all the controversies, he has said that the censor board has not yet given the censor certificate to the film. Manoj Muntashir made a video which has been shared by Kangana Ranaut. In this video, Manoj has raised questions on not getting the certification.
Manoj Muntashir said in the video- 'Emergency will not be released on 6 September because the film did not get the censor certificate. It is a good thing, but why is this certificate game being played half-heartedly. It should be played fully. Another certificate should be snatched from us that we are people who respect freedom of expression. Leave this pretense of greatness, we are not able to tolerate even one film, let's talk about freedom of expression.'
What is the problem with emergency?
The writer further said- 'Okay, what is the problem with emergency? The problem is that Indira Gandhi's brutal murder has been shown. So did Indira Gandhi die in a road accident, she was not murdered? The problem is that Indira Gandhi's killers have been shown as Sikhs, so were Satwant Singh and Beant Singh not Sikhs? The problem is that Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale has been shown as a terrorist. So was he not the brutal terrorist who killed thousands of innocent people?'
Muntashir advised to watch the film
Manoj Muntashir further dismissed all the allegations of 'Emergency' being anti-Sikh and talked about the glorious history of Sikhs for hundreds of years. He also said in this video that people should first watch this film, then form their opinion and if they find something objectionable, they should go to court. Let us tell you that Manoj Muntashir has written the songs of the film 'Emergency'. Recently, his song 'Ae Meri' Jaan has been released.