Entertainment News : Deepika Padukone is enjoying her pregnancy stage these days. Ranveer and Deepika are going to become parents soon. Deepika-Ranveer shared the good news with fans in February of this year and told them that baby 'DeepVeer' will come in September of this year. That means now only two months are left for Deepika to become a mother. In such a situation, the actress is taking full care of herself. Meanwhile, recently the actress was spotted in Mumbai, a video of which is becoming increasingly viral at this time.
Deepika Padukone was seen playing with a child.
In the viral video, Deepika looks very beautiful in a green floral kurta and white pyjama pregnancy outfit. The pregnancy glow can also be clearly seen on her face. During this time, her bodyguard, Jalal, was also seen with her for her security, who was seen taking care of her at every step. During this, there was a competition among the paparazzi to take pictures of Deepika. On the other hand, fans also rushed to take selfies with her. However, the actress did not disappoint her fans, and she was seen smiling with everyone while stopping and getting photos clicked. During this, the actress was also seen caressing a fan's baby. In the video, you can see how the actress first caresses the child of one of her fans, and then she also gets a photo clicked on by him. People like Deepika's style a lot; everyone lavished love on this video of her.
Deepika-Ranveer will become parents after 6 years of marriage
Let us tell you that Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone got married in 2018. After 6 years of marriage, now in September this year, the couple is going to have a baby in their house. The couple will welcome their first child in this world in September, which their fans eagerly await.