Entertainment: Shah Rukh Khan and Priyanka Chopra have worked together in many films. But do you know that in the year 2007, both of them were going to be seen together in a film which could never be made. The reason for this has been revealed years later by film maker Vishal Punjabi. He has told that he was expelled from India.
In a recent interview given to Brown Game Strong YouTube channel, Vishal Punjabi talked about Shahrukh Khan. He said- 'In 2007, I was about to make a big Bollywood film. I had written the script with a friend of mine named Zoya Akhtar. She is now a big director, but at that time she was struggling to make her first film.'
Due to this reason Shahrukh-Priyanka's film could not be made
Vishal further said- 'Priyanka Chopra had said yes to my film, Shahrukh had said yes to my film. Me and Reema and Zoya were scolded about it and then I was thrown out of India because I did not have OCI. I had a tourist visa and technically I was not allowed to work on a tourist visa. I was very stupid because I thought this is India, they will fix it.'
'My case got worse because...'
The filmmaker further said- 'I was fired and nobody could do anything. The fact that I worked with Shah Rukh made my case worse because he was under investigation. For some reason, the governments were not very kind to him, I think it has to do with his religion. It was also a matter of regret for them because I was in charge of many big projects for them. They tried every possible way to bring me back. I went through a very difficult time, but they tried very hard to bring me back.'