Entertainment: Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkumar Rao's horror comedy film 'Stree 2' is not letting anyone stand in front of it at the box office right now. Akshay Kumar's 'Khel Khel Mein' and John Abraham's 'Veda' were released along with Stree 2 on 15 August, but both these films could not sustain themselves even for a week.
This Saturday, while Akshay's film Khel Khel Mein managed to hold its own at the box office, the storm of Stree 2 completely destroyed 'Veda'. Despite it being a weekend, Veda fared very badly at the box office.
'Veda's boat sank because of 'Stree 2'?
For John Abraham, clashing with Stree 2 on 15th August has been more harmful for him than Akshay Kumar at the box office. Most people are going to watch the horror comedy film 'Stree 2' on the weekend and those who are left are watching Khiladi Kumar's Khel-Khel Mein, in such a situation, 'Veda' is getting very few audiences in the theatres. You can guess this from the box office collection of the film.