Entertainment: Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor along with his mother and veteran actress Neetu Kapoor were spotted performing the Ganpati Visarjan for the Lord Ganesha idol on Wednesday. The mother-son duo came together to celebrate the special occasion during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. For the puja, Ranbir was seen wearing a white floral kurta while his mother opted for a light pink saree. A video of the duo was also shared by paparazzo Viral Bhayani on Instagram where Ranbir and Neetu are performing aarti, followed by the 'Animal' actor carrying Lord Ganesha's idol in his hands for immersion.
Meanwhile, the 10-day festival of Ganesh Chaturthi commenced on September 7 and will continue till Anantha Chaturdashi. The festive period is also known as 'Vinayak Chaturthi' or 'Vinayak Chavithi'. The festival celebrates Ganesha as the 'God of New Beginnings' and the 'Remover of Obstacles' as well as the god of wisdom and intelligence.
On the work front
Meanwhile, on the work front, Ranbir Kapoor will next be seen in Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana, wherein he will be playing the role of Lord Ram. The star cast also includes Sai Pallavi as the female lead. He also has the sequel of Animal in the pipeline, after the massive success of the OG film. It featured Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Rashmika Mandanna, Triptii Dimri, Suresh Oberoi, Shakti Kapoor and Prem Chopra. Apart from these, Ranbir also has Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Love and War alongside Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal.
On the other hand, Neetu Kapoor will next feature in Milind Dhaimade's directorial, Letters to Mr Khanna. The film also stars Shraddha Srinath, Sunny Kaushal and Titiksha Shrivastava. Letters to Mr Khanna is currently in the production stage and the release date of the film is yet to be announced.