Entertainment: The entire entertainment industry is in shock due to the sudden demise of Bollywood actress Malaika Arora's stepfather Anil Mehta. Ever since the news of his death became public, a huge crowd has been seen outside the Arora residence in Bandra. Police officers are also present in the chaotic crowd, who are investigating the matter. Apart from this, the general public was also seen gathering outside the Arora residence. At the same time, the paparazzi are also not missing out on capturing the people present there. The privacy of the family has been violated by the crowd since Wednesday morning, seeing which actor Varun Dhawan could not stop himself and has criticized the inhuman behaviour.
Varun Dhawan was furious seeing the unnecessary crowd
Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan was seemingly angry seeing the gathering of paparazzi outside the Arora residence in this sad time. He took to his social media profile to criticize the paps. The actor shared the note on his Instagram story and wrote, 'Putting cameras on the faces of people who are mourning is the most insensitive thing, please think about what you guys are doing or what someone must be going through when you do this. I understand this is work but sometimes another human being may not be okay with this humanity.'
Stars flock to Arora residence
Among those who immediately rushed to Arora residence were Arjun Kapoor, Salim Khan, Sohail Khan, Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan and others. Malaika has also shared a post on social media requesting privacy in this tough matter.
Mumbai Police gave information about the incident
Speaking about the unfortunate incident, Raj Tilak Roshan (DCP Crime Branch) told media persons, 'The body of a person named Anil (62) was found. He lived on the sixth floor. We are investigating further and our team is here. We are investigating all aspects in detail. Our teams are here, forensic teams are also here. The body is being taken for postmortem. We are investigating everything in detail. Prima facie it looks like a suicide, we are investigating further.'