Entertainment: Khushi Kapoor's Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations were all about love, companionship and friendship. The Archies actor shared a cute picture from the festivities on her Instagram stories. The picture features Khushi, her rumoured boyfriend Vedang Raina, Shanaya Kapoor, Anjini Dhawan. Khushi can be seen wearing a pink-coloured suit while Vedang chooses a yellow kurta for the occasion. Shanaya Kapoor is seen wearing a vibrant-coloured kurta while Varun Dhawan's niece Anjini wears a pastel-coloured suit. The youngsters can be seen flashing their best smiles for the camera. They can be seen seated in front of a Ganesh idol. Sharing the picture, Khushi wrote, "Happy Ganesh Chaturthi." Take a look:
The Rumoured couple Khushi and Vedang are often spotted together nowadays. Last month, Khushi and Vedang walked the ramp together for designer Gaurav Gupta at ICW 2024. During the event, they talked about their possible collaboration again. To news agency PTI, Vedang said, "Yeah, 100 per cent! I feel like when you are comfortable with a person, it makes things less hard and you don't get nervous as much because you are in the comfort of the other person. So definitely." Prior to that, Khushi and Vedang were spotted at the special screening of Kill. Khushi picked a red ensemble, while Vedang sported a black shirt paired with matching pants.