Entertainment: Jr NTR, Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan starrer Devara: Part 1 has released in theatres on Friday. The Pan India film has created a stir on social media. A section of Twitter users are supporting Koratala Siva's vision while others seem disappointed with the film. As per Sacnilk, Devara has already crossed the Rs 50 crore mark globally in ticket sales, including nearly Rs 19 crore from the Indian circuit till September 25 only. But seems like the audience is not having a good time in the theatres. Read further to know the X review of Devara: Part 1.
In her review for , Jaya Dwivedie wrote, Junior NTR's swag is worth watching and Saif is charming in Devara: Part 1. Unfortunately, the Pan India film did not give much scope to its lead actress Janhvi Kapoor to act. The cinematography of the film is a visual treat, but the writing and direction are weak and the film can come across as predictable. Moreover, audiences can feel like it's a repetition of several films that we have already watched in the past. Overall, the cinematography and acting are the only things that try to save the sinking boat. The film does not give you a new experience, overall there is a huge lack of originality.
About the film
Directed by Koratala Siva, known for blockbusters like Bharat Ane Nenu and Janatha Garage, Devara: Part features Jr NTR in twin roles. The actor is playing both a father and a son in double the action and excitement. Bollywood star Janhvi Kapoor has made her debut in the South with a key role, while Saif Ali Khan has once again stepped in as the villain for the second time in a South Indian film after Adipurush.