Entertainment: Kahan Shuru Kahan Khatam and Yudhra are going head-to-head at the box office as they were the fresh releases of this Friday, September 20. Not only this, both the films also had the advantage of National Cinema Day and most of the screens were offering Rs 99 per ticket offer on the day. The box office figures of their opening day are out and Yudhra has clearly taken a headstart against KSKK. As per Sacnilk, Yudhra minted Rs 4.5 crore on Friday while Kahan Shuru Kahan Khatam managed to collect just Rs 1.05 crore on its opening day.
On the occupancy front, Yudhra witnessed 46.54 per cent occupancy on Friday, with a major contribution coming from its night shows. On the other hand, Kahan Shuru Kahan Khatam also had a similar occupancy level of 43.54 per cent.
KSKK Movie Review
India TV's Aseem Sharma in his review for the romantic comedy rated the film 3 out five stars and wrote, ''The film is undoubtedly a good family entertainer with a decent storyline and a sweet social message in the end. The only problem with the film is its first half, which could have been better and acting by its male lead. On the music front as well, only the recreated version of old songs will leave some impact on you. However, Dhvani's role as Meera and the performance of veteran actors help in making the film a good watch.''
Yudhra Movie Review
India TV's Sakshi Verma in her review for the actioner rated the film 3.5 out of five stars and wrote, ''Yudhra is for the ones who love action films. Kill was a testament that Indian audiences have an appetite for action movies and seems like director Ravi Udyawar, producers Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani are trying to cash in the zones once again. Siddhanth, having the maximum screen space, fully dominates the film, and his quirky dance moves mixed with on-point action scenes can be liked by the audiences. Overall, the film has some flaws in the storyline but Ravi has got it covered and the film shines throughout.''