Entertainment: Upcoming film in the Singham franchise is one of the highly-anticipated flicks of 2024. Releasing on the occasion of Diwali, Singham Again stars Ajay Devgn, Akshay Kumar , Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Arjun Kapoor, and Tiger Shroff among others. However, the director of Singham Again hinted about a 'special' cameo in the upcoming film. Without revealing the name, Rohit Shetty wrote, ''SINGHAM is incomplete without this HERO… ISS DIWALI Scorpio aayegi bhi,Ghumegi bhi, LEKIN ENTRY KISI AUR KI HOGI.'' As per the post, the cameo will be of a male actor and fans are speculating that Salman Khan's popular character of 'Chulbul Pandey' will be introduced in the Cop Universe with this cameo.
Recently, several reports made rounds on social media claiming that Singham Again has been pushed and will not hit the big screens this Diwali. However, Rohit Shetty issued a clarification and put all such rumours to rest with his Instagram post. Singham Again is the third installment in the franchise and the fifth film in Rohit's prestigious Cop Universe.
About Singham Again
Directed by Rohit Shetty, Singham Again was earlier scheduled to release in cinemas on the occasion of Independence Day. However, its makers pushed its release date to Diwali. Apart from its OG actors, several new stars have been introduced to the franchise with the film including Deepika Padukone, who will play Lady Singham in the upcoming film.
Tiger Shroff will also play a key role in Singham Again. Apart from these two, Arjun Kapoor is the lead antagonist in the film. The specific date of its release is yet to be announced.