Entertainment: Greatest Of All Time aka GOAT, starring Thalapathy Vijay in the lead role, is all set to shatter several box office records in the coming days. The film got a headstart on Thursday as it collected over Rs 40 crore on its opening day. As per Sacnilk, the actioner minted Rs 43 crore on Day 1, with a major contribution coming from its OG Tamil version, which is Rs 38.3 crore. The other versions Hindi and Telugu collected Rs 3 crore respectively.
Trade analysts are predicting that if this pace continues till Sunday, GOAT will easily touch the coveted Rs 200 crore mark in its opening weekend, as there are no other big films releasing this Friday. Its major competition in North India still remains the Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor-starrer Stree 2.
GOAT's Hindi version unavailable in national chains
National chains of theatres like PVR, INOX and Cinepolis have not released GOAT on their screens. The reason behind this was shared by film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh on Wednesday, a day ahead of the film's release. In his Instagram post, he mentioned that the national chains have, for quite some time, adhered to a policy requiring ALL new Hindi movies to maintain an 8-week gap between their theatrical release and their premiere on OTT platforms.
About the film
Greatest Of All Time aka GOAT is reportedly made on a massive budget of around Rs 400 crore, making it one of the most expensive films produced in 2024. Apart from Thalapathy Vijay, the film also stars Prashanth, Prabhudeva, Mohan, Jayaram, Sneha, Laila, Ajmal Amir, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Parvati Nair, Vaibhav, Yogi Babu, Premgi Amaren, Yugendran Vasudevan and Akilan.
GOAT is written and directed by Venkat Prabhu and its music is composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja. As per Sacnilk, the film sold nearly 1 million tickets for Day 1 in advance bookings.
Ahead of its theatrical release, GOAT has crossed Rs 50 crores in advance booking collection worldwide, making it Vijay's second back-to-back film to score this short of pre-sales after blockbuster Leo last year.