Entertainment: Well-known actor Siddique resigned from the post of General Secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) today on Sunday after allegations of sexual harassment levelled by a famous actress. The actor said in a conversation that he has sent his resignation to the organisation's president Mohanlal. On the other hand, Ranjith, a Malayalam director, has recently resigned as chairman of the Kerala Chalachitra Academy following claims of impropriety levelled against him by Bengali actor Sreelekha Mitra.
Manorama disclosed that Ranjith "communicated his decision to Cultural Affairs Minister Saji Cherian, stating that he is unwilling to continue in the position in light of the allegations against him".
Siddique resigned for this reason
Actor Siddique said in a recent conversation, Yes. I have given my official resignation to the organization's president Mohanlal. Because there were allegations against me. So I have decided not to continue in the post and have resigned.
The actress made these allegations
An actress on Saturday, August 24, accused the actor that Siddique had called her to discuss a film. But later sexually abused her. These allegations came in the wake of churning in the Malayalam film industry after the release of the Justice Hema Committee report. It pointed to several incidents of casting couch and sexual abuse in the sector.
These cases were revealed in the report
This report revealed cases of harassment and exploitation of women in the Malayalam cinema world. Action was demanded against the culprits. Siddiqui is a well-known face of Malayalam cinema. He has acted in about 350 films so far. The actor has played all kinds of characters in films, from romantic heroes to villains. Siddiqui has also been awarded the Kerala State Film Award and Nandi Special Jury Award. Along with acting, he has also been active in direction and film production.