Entertainment: The first day of the South Indian International Movie Awards aka SIIMA 2024 was held on Saturday (September 14) evening. Nani, Rakshit Shetty, Mrunal Thakur and Keerthy Suresh made a big splash by winning big awards at the ceremony. Nani won the Best Actor (Telugu) award for 'Dussehra' at the ceremony held in Dubai, while Rakshit won the same award in Kannada for 'Sapta Sagaradaache Elo: Side A'. Nani's films 'Dussehra' won three awards while 'Hi Nanna' won six awards in different categories.
Mrunal-Keerthi won awards
The lead actresses of both films, Keerthy Suresh and Mrunal Thakur, won the Best Actress (Telugu) award at SIIMA 2024. Meanwhile, 'Katera' won Best Film in Kannada and Nandamuri Balakrishna starrer 'Bhagavantha Kesari' won the Best Film in Telugu. Vijay Deverakonda's brother Anand Deverakonda won the Best Actor in a Lead Role (Critics) award. Let's see the complete list of winners here:
SAIMA 2024 Winners (Telugu):
Best Actor: Nani (Dussehra)
Best Actress: Keerthy Suresh (Dussehra)
Best Director: Srikanth Odela (Dussehra)
Best Actor (Critics): Anand Deverakonda (Baby)
Best Actress (Critics): Mrunal Thakur (Hi Nanna)
Best Film: Bhagwanth Kesari
Best Supporting Actor: Dixit Shetty (Dussehra)
Best Supporting Actress: Baby Khaira Khan (Hi Nanna)
Best Debut Actor: Sangeeth Shobhan (Mad)
Best Debut Actress: Vaishnavi Chaitanya (Baby)
Best Comedian: Vishnu (Mad)
Best Music Director: Abdul Wahab (Hi Nanna, Khushi)
Best Cinematography: Bhuvana Gowda (Salaar)
Best Background Singer: Ram Miryala (Uru Palletturu-Balagam)
Best Debut Director: Sauryuv (Hi Nanna)
Best Debut Producer: Vaira Entertainments (Hi Nanna)
Best Director (Critics): Sai Rajesh
SIIMA 2024 Winners (Kannada)
Best Film: Kaatera
Best Actor: Rakshith Shetty
Best Actress: Chaitra Achar (Toby)
Best Director: Hemanth Rao (Sapta Sagaradaache Elo - Side A)
Best Debut Director: Nithin Krishnamurthy (Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare)
Best Actor (Critics): Dhananjay (Gurudev Hoysala)
Best Actress (Critics): Rukmini Vasanth (Sapta Sagaradaache Elo - Side A)
Best Debut Actress: Aradhana (Katera)
Best Actor in a Negative Role: Ramesh Indira (Sapta Sagaradachhe Elo - Side A)
Best Music Director: V Harikrishna (Katera)
Best Playback Singer (Female): Mangali (Katera)
Best Playback Singer (Male): Kapil Kapilan (Sapta Sagaradachhe Elo - Side A)
Award for Excellence in Cinema: Shivaraj Kumar