Entertainment: The megastar of the century Amitabh Bachchan is seen in Kaun Banega Crorepati 16 these days. In this recent episode, a contestant named Shalini Sharma came whose 18-year-old son is bedridden. His condition is getting worse every day and there is no guarantee of recovery. Shalini told Amitabh Bachchan that she has come barefoot from Delhi to sit on the hot seat. After listening to her story, Amitabh Bachchan's heart also melted. Shalini won Rs 25,00,000 from the show, but she could not answer the question of 50 lakhs. Let's see what that question was.
Shalini came to KBC from Delhi without slippers.
As soon as Shalini sits on the hot seat with Big B, Amitabh urges her to wear slippers. However, she tells that she had pledged that if she ever reaches the hot seat, she will go barefoot and she will wear slippers again only after visiting the 'Kuldevi'. On this, Big B says but he does not like seeing her barefoot and he is thinking of giving her his slippers. However, after this the game starts and Amitabh Bachchan starts the game of 'Jaldi 5' with Shalini. In which Shalini wins the round by answering all the questions quickly.
Shalini wins Rs 25 lakh by answering this question
. Shalini wins up to Rs 12,50,000 by answering questions. After this comes the turn of the question worth Rs 25,00,000. The question was, who among these was the owner of more than 800 dogs, with a separate attendant and a kennel for each? To answer this, she takes the help of the 'Video Call a Friend' lifeline. On the call, her brother initially gives some other answer, but just before disconnecting the call, he asks her to select option D, Nawab of Junagadh and it turns out to be the correct answer. On this, she wins Rs 25,00,000.
What was the question worth Rs 50 lakh?
After this comes the turn of the question worth Rs 50,00,000. The question was,
which of these Indian women had won silver and bronze medals in javelin throw in the Asian Games more than 50 years before Neeraj Chopra won gold?
The answer to this question was option A, Elizabeth Davenport . However, Shalini does not know the correct answer and quits the game on this question and happily goes home after winning Rs 25 lakh.