Entertainment: Anupamaa, one of the highest-rated shows on Indian television, was recently in the news after one of its prominent actors left the show. The show is headlined by actress Rupali Ganguly, a devoted mother and wife who fights for her self-respect and family. The show began four years back in 2020 and has been in the top charts ever since. Before Anupamaa, Rupali worked in several popular shows on television including Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai, among others but the actress has given an audition for the titular role of Anupamaa and an old video of her audition is trending on social media.
In the viral clip, Rupali can be seen in an orange-coloured saree, which is quite similar to her character on the show. The video is a real treat for the show and the actress' fans as her performance for the role in the audition seemed very natural. In the audition video, Rupali is doing a scene where she performs a serious conversation with her daughter
Meanwhile, Anupamaa was in the news after actor Sudhanshu Pandey's shocking exit, who played Rupali's ex-husband Vanraj Shah. Apart from Rupali Ganguly, Anupamaa features Madalsa Sharma, Apurva Agnihotri, Alpana Buch, Arvind Vaidya, Paras Kalnawat, Aashish Mehrotra, Muskan Bamne, Shekhar Shukla, Nidhi Shah, Anagha Bhosale, and Tassnim Sheikh.
Rupali once on The Ranveer Show podcast revealed how she got the role and her concerns at that time about whether she will bag the role. ''I wasn’t sure if he’d cast me, because I’d troubled him a lot on the first show. The first thing that he asked me was, ‘Have you grown up?’ And I said, ‘Yes, I have a child now’. And Rajan ji decided to cast me. I didn’t know the show was called Anupamaa, till the trailer came in.''
Apart from the show, Rupali joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) earlier this year ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha Elections and praised PM Narendra Modi.