Entertainment News : The serial Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai has been ruling the TV for more than 15 years. It premiered on 12 January 2009 and is the longest-running Indian television soap opera. There have been many leaps in this serial and the star cast has changed many times. However, the audience has a different kind of love for the show's first generation. People liked the pairing of Hina Khan and Karan Mehra very much. At the same time, the star cast associated with the Singhania and Maheshwari families in the story of Akshara and Naitik has also made a different place in the people's hearts. At the same time, now after 13 years, the Singhania family has reunited. After years, the family of 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai', including Karan Mehra, had a reunion, whose pictures and videos Karan Mehra has shared on his Insta.
Karan Mehra has shared a series of pictures with the star cast of 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai' on his official Instagram account. The first picture is a collage in which the star casts Yeh Rishta, Neha Sarupa Babani, Nidhi Uttam, Sonali Verma, Medha Jambotkar and Ayush Vij are seen. This picture of them is from the year 2011 during the show. At the same time, below this, Karan has shown a glimpse of the recent meeting. By looking at these two pictures, you can guess how much the star cast of the show has changed now compared to before. Apart from this, Karan has shared many more beautiful pictures of this meeting, in which all the star cast are seen posing together, smiling and laughing. Sharing this post, Karan wrote in the caption - 'We were in touch on the phone, but had not met for a long time. Therefore, we decided to plan a reunion.'
Singhania's family had a great party.
Apart from these pictures, Karan also shared a video of everyone partying in a club. Karan Mehra is seen starting the video, and then he introduces the fans to Bhabhi Maa and Gayatri Singhania. It is a bit difficult to recognize Gayatri Singhania during this time. After all, Sonali Verma, who looked simple with a pallu on her head in the show, looked quite glamorous at the time. Sonali had a lot of fun with everyone in this party. Both Sonali and Bhabhi Maa mention memories related to Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai. After this, Rashmi and Nandini also talked to the fans in Karan's video. After years, fans are very happy to see the first generation of 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai' together and are sending their reactions on the post, remembering those days. However, some people are also seen missing Hina Khan during this time.