Entertainment: Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman and Saira Banu announced their split on Tuesday. The decision was confirmed in a statement sent by the couple's attorney, Vandana Shah. Khatija, Raheema, and Ameen are the three children from their 29 years of marriage. However, soon after the divorce announcement, Rahman was surrounded by several controversial attacks. Now music composer AR Rahman's wife Saira Banu has issued her new statement. She has requested everyone not to tarnish Rahman's image. YouTubers and media were requested to avoid hurting Rahman and his family. Saira Banu also talked about her health.
Saira has been at home for a long time
In an audio statement on Sunday, she said that she had been staying at home for a long time. Saira Banu said, I am Saira Rahman, I am in Mumbai right now. I have been here for the last several months. This is the reason why I am getting divorced due to living like this for a long time. He is the best person in the world. Due to my health issue, I could not go to Chennai. Saira Banu said, if I am not in Chennai, people wonder where Saira is. I am getting treatment here.
He is the best man in the world, says Saira
Saira called her husband AR Rahman 'the best man in the world' and requested privacy for both of them in this difficult time. She said that Rahman and she are still in love and their decision is 100 per cent mutual. 'They are good people. Let them be as they are. I love them very much. There is no need to spoil their name,' read her statement.
Taking divorce for this reason
Saira Banu said that her lawyer has announced that they are going to end their 29-year marriage. Vandana announced, "Saira is having trouble getting a divorce after so many years of marriage. The couple has decided due to the emotional situation getting worse.