New Delhi. As soon as winter arrives, the sale of guava picks up. When guava reaches the market, people's happiness also increases. The biggest reason for this is that the price of apple is much more expensive than the price of guava. In such a situation, people are not able to consume apples. That is why guava is purchased more because guava is very beneficial and useful.
Helps in fighting cold and cough
Guava contains nutrients like vitamin C, antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin E. These nutrients strengthen immunity. Along with this, they are very helpful in fighting allergies in the body. Consumption of guava also helps you fight cough and cold.
Guava cleans the stomach
Guava is very beneficial for those who have constipation problem. Consuming guava not only removes the problem of constipation but also strengthens the digestive system. The nutrients present in guava prove to be very helpful in strengthening the digestive system. Eating guava improves digestion. Along with this, guava plays an important role in cleaning the stomach. Consuming it regularly removes the problem of constipation. At the same time, the intestines are cleaned to a great extent.
Eyesight becomes sharper
Eating guava improves eyesight. If someone has a problem of weak eyesight, then he can consume guava regularly. Eating guava improves eyesight. Since guava contains vitamin A which is very beneficial for the eyes. It improves eyesight. People whose eyes water should consume guava, then guava is very beneficial for them.
Leaves are also beneficial for sugar patients
Guava is beneficial for sugar patients. The reason for this is that guava has less sugar than apple, banana and orange. The cure for sugar patients is also hidden in guava leaves. Yes, sugar can be kept under control by eating guava leaves. Guava has properties that eliminate insulin resistance, which controls blood sugar.