
New Delhi. The use of sugar in our daily food is a normal thing. From tea to something sweet, we consume a lot of sugar every day. But we do not realize how this sugar is harming us after entering the stomach until we fall prey to some major disease.

People say that they cannot give up sugar, they have become so habituated to eating sweets. Never mind, keep the habit of eating sweets but not with sugar but with jaggery. Jaggery is as healthy for health as it adds sweetness to your food and tea. 

3 biggest disadvantages of eating sugar


First of all heart disease: Let us tell you that eating sugar increases inflammation in your body. This increases blood pressure and also increases the count of blood sugar and triglycerides. When all these things increase together, your heart starts getting in danger. Because the increase of all these things is very harmful for the heart. 

Sugar increases obesity:  Those who are working hard day and night to lose weight but their weight is not reducing, they will first have to remove sugar from their kitchen. Sugar can also be the reason for obesity. People who consume more sugar are more likely to gain weight. 

Teeth can get damaged: Eating too much sugar can damage your teeth. Consumption of sugar produces bacteria in your teeth. For your information, let us tell you that bacteria are born in the mouth due to sugar. When bacteria digest sugar, they produce acid. Then this acid causes cavities in the teeth. 

Jaggery is more beneficial 

Jaggery is more beneficial than sugar. Jaggery has many medicinal properties which are very beneficial for the body. The most important thing is that jaggery contains iron which fulfills the deficiency of blood in the body. At the same time, jaggery also proves to be helpful in increasing your immunity power.Eating jaggery also provides great relief from joint pain. If you give up sugar and consume jaggery for a month, its effect is visible on your face. Eating sugar makes your face look fat, whereas eating jaggery clears your stomach and its effect is visible on your face and the face becomes more glowing than before. 
